January 31, 2016

One Mile More

What do you experience when you go just one mile more down the trail? What do you miss if you don’t?

We all get stuck in the rut of life: jobs, bills, e-mails, and binge watching shows we can’t remember. BUT STOP! Look around you. What moment today will take your breath away? What conversation, new idea, or experience will you remember all of your life?

Tortuga Overland is about going down the trail that one mile more — breaking away from the commonplace and following a new path where others seldom travel.

Our idea of adventure is more about individual discovery than extreme sport. It is about stepping out and going for it, doing something we have never done before, whether it’s a small risk or big. We seek adventure anywhere the Tortuga, G-wagen, or our imagination and curiosity takes us. And as we dream about intercontinental travel in remote locations, we will never dismiss all of the potential surrounding us, right off our own back porches, hidden in unexpected places.

With each trip, we will hone our skills, evaluate our equipment, and describe our experiences through photographs, essays, and conversations with each other and the people we meet along the way. We will document, build upon, and keep chasing those once in a lifetime moments, one iteration after another.

We hope to see you out there too, somewhere miles down the trail from where we started, where the crowd thins out and unexpected moments await us all.

Welcome to Tortuga Overland.

somewhere in Texas

somewhere in Texas